Friday, February 19, 2010

in thE mIdst of endIng for FebrUary

February~~~~ yeah it does a miracle of the month among the rest in a year... why? coz it is a leaping month where every 4 years may come with the odd date. I do believe that people who were born in this leap month may received a very luck wish or even something that beyond of our thinking... Is that true??? zZZZzzZZZz

Im not going to nag about the miracle of Feb, but the thing should i stress somehow where my life becomes so much redundant and hectic to commute with every hours that i spend. *sigh*
This month is full with surprise and big event that I ever encountered. Wondering to have a good business?? hahahaha... try out February once the leaping year is coming again... this year dun even dream it..~~~~

I wish to b a successful person in a year... I do achieved it even the year 2010 just started. These 2 months (Jan & Feb) give a very miracle impact to me whereby i dun have to sacked so much in terms of my career prospect.. I had started my journey this year with a rupture mood... even so hard to target as a piece of clean slate... But I am amid to achieve it... lol~~~ not even trusting me???

To do something with vague may stop everything throughout your life. Intensify yourself may achieve the desirable goal that you have planned. My resolution is quarterly targeted. The journey is still farther away... I am not easily adaptable to comfort zone as I am trying hardly to get it out from my personal pace. It bodes to have a very great break even and all the lucrative issue will be mine... who cares? I place myself at the highest level but underneath of moderation..huhuhuhu...

I hate to involve in any complicated issue. Besides, it may spank a fracas mood where it is grounding by the "bad-mouth" person or people which will never stop assaulting like "massacre"... haizzz... what the nasty comes out?

Stop being someone who you wish to. It is tantamount of foxtrot! Have you ever thinking to value your life with something that will worth you aftermath? We tend to forget in any occasion that we face, we tend to feel that we are completing the life with a happy moment ever..

Guys, replenish your self-image with something virtue where you will not even to regret it. Utilize everything that you already got and don't even waste the pieces of crumble.

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