Monday, December 6, 2010

NH Colla Plus

Hari ni nk cite pasal ke'beauty'an bolee??? sape setuju??? hahaha... Ni nk cite pasal collagen yg ak consume skang ni. NH COLLA Plus... mmg the vogue the vast wa ckp lu... sblm ni pernah amik total image collagen. Berkesan gak taw cuma xlarat seh nk minum air bergelen2.. Sudah2 nyer, ke toilet jgk ak asyik nk terkencing jerk. Mana tak nyer, sesaat kang kencing, dua saat lg kencing... Pas tu, kering kontang 'kantOng' ak ni... cippodawhhh...

Ak baru je beli NH colla plus ni.. rasenyer ader rase grape ckit pd permulaan teguk, pastu penghujungnyer ader rasa ikan lak...ermmm.... sebab ad Marine Collagen. Yg pasti 5000mg yekk. Time ak tulis ni, bru 2botol la ak try... kesannyer, lum nmpk cuma ak rasa tegang2 kulit muka ni. Ak xtau la tegang ni sebab apa. Sebab ak wt senaman muka atau kesan collagen ni.

Haha....nape nk kene wat senaman muka lak??? heeeee... dulu kan.. i mean 2-3yrs back la.. Bentuk ak dulu bulat sesangat. Ak pon carik la alternative tnpa surgery cmner nk lonjong2 muka n kempis skit. So, ak pon wat option utk wat senaman muka. kesannyer, 3bln jerrrr.... terror x?? muka ak terus jd cm pnjg..hihihi... Ha ni xtpu.. nk letak pic, pic lama masa muka bulat tu xder la...seriusss... Korg lau nk wat kene la rajin, sebab senaman muka ni mmg pelik la... Mcm2 gaya korg kene wat taw, silap2 boleh cramp tulang pipi tu lau salah step.. xke naya t muka senget??? sapo nk jwb??

Ok berbalik pd collagen tu, Bnda ni mcm pek di atas tu is a promotional pack. dlm ader 16 xsilap sebab ader free 3 bottles. Ak pon beli ni sebab dah terpenGaroh ngan blog2 lain n forum2 yg sebarkan keberkesanan collagen ni. Tp time amik Total Image tu mmg la berkesan, Parut pon makin pudar tu.. Mcm ak ckp xthnyer, asyik nk buka seluar...kencingggg~~~ bergelen2... huh xlarat ak... Mcm excercise lak kan...

If korg rasa nk try collagen tu, try r... Umo ak bru 23. Tp kene la jg dpd skang kang... Xnk t dh uzur bru ak nk terkengkang-kengkang crik. Bnda ni sbg supplement gak coz 100% no preservative so dun worry about the side effect. Yg paling2 best, muka ak dah kurang berminyak.. lau dulu time tgh hari, harus muka ni berminyak mcm tumpahnyer minyak sardin di muka ku... Tp skang ni ak perasan kurang beb!! xtpu....!!

Apapun selamat mencuba!! Lau x experience sendiri, mana nk tau kan kesannyer..
Nk Kencing jap...hihihihi.....

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Hahaha... semalam adalh hari yg pling best time kat opis. Aku terpikir la satu idea camne nak kene kan kawan ak. Dia ni India-Africa, mulot sangat "drastik"! apa lagi ak pon terkeluar satu idea nak terkena kan die. SMS menggunakan email opis ak terus ke henpon die. ak xreti nk terangkan cmner bole sms dpd email ak ni. Ak rasa korg pon mngkin tau cmner nak wat kan.
Ak nk kenekan die pon sebab dy ni kononyer rmai scandal la. Siap ade scandal duk kat Millenium Square ag tu... dah tu sepnjg mnggu2 sudah asyik bersolek sakan.. ak rasa dy nk g berdating kot. Cuma bau kemasamam ( bau tengik) still ader kat die. haishh entahla, mampos jantan tu ak rasa lau berdating ngan die ni.

ni lah die

Ak pun mula la "projek" penyamaran ak dgn menjadi pakistan mix bangladesh. Msg pertama ak pada die, "Baby, may i know u? u are so hot baby. are u balcky or whity? i thing u are so pretty.... im so horny baby... Im pakistani but mix bangladesh"... ak terus send kat die..
Bape minute pastu, dy terus dpt sms tu, terus wat muka pelik. Dy xblas kononyer die sngka no international la kan.

Ak terus kan misi penghantaran msg tu kat die. "Baby, can i call u puppy? (nama anjing la tuh!) it seems like i miss u like i miss my died cat. Do you like dog? I like dog and cat. I think you are beautiful like my cat. Can u call me dada??? i love lizard as well please puppy.... " Apa lagi, bntai tergelak ak satu opis pas tgok memek muka member ak ni jd geli mcm puaka! Terus dy wat2 muntah mcm tertelan katak...

Ak antar msg lg "Puppy, why u dun reply my msg? u hate me because im bangla?? yes im bangla but im so so white too. U know, once u pregnant our babies, they will so beutiful like u with our mix colors. u dun like puppy?? (member ak ni itam giler, cantik ker???). Dy dapat msg tu terus mcm nk terpengsan baca. ak lg la ngan member opis ak yg lain bnta gelak smpai nk tercabut mata ak ni ha... dy da mula la pikir2 sape la manusia hanjeng tu... Puppy la, nk mkn sup cicak la....lalalalala.... ak xpedulik... ak antar lg...

Ak ckp " Puppy, u want flight ticket? i know u must be sexy. i live at so rich... come here puppy, i want u to wear a black sexy gown ( lau dah sama2 black, nk nmpak apa? gigi??) i want u to wear this gown and i will send it by post. okay puppyy??" Si member ak ni terus bising satu opis. Ak pon jaja la abis2 jntan bangla tergila2 kat die ni...

Lastly, ak antar " Puppy, im so cold here. i need lizard soup puppy... i want to hug u. u want puppy??"... Dah meroyan pompuan ni bc msg giler mamat bangla ni...hehehehe. Pastu dy dah mula syak ak sebab ak lak terlebih2 ketawa! adehhhhh..... Yela mana xnyer, xthn ak tgok gaya dy geli2... terbahak2 sudah .... last2 ak tetap nafikan gak.... ak akn tetap wat lg smpai minah ni terus terperasan and terperasaaaaantann! sOdap lg eNak!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Ko inGat kO dIvaa???

Ni pe kes lak ni kan... ha ni nak citer la ni... ader plak la sorg jantan yg ala2 bapok tawar berlagak diva abiss!! adoiii nok..ko tu dah ireng (Itam) jgn ko perasan chantekk okayyy~~
Nak tau mcm mana rupa si baPok berlagak diVa tu??? ha ni diaaa

Memang xmenang tgN mak..tetek tempuRung gtuww kann

Hambekk ko.. Jgn ko berlagak diVa ok... Ratu kat sana pun ko xsembah, ni kan pulak ko nak jd Diva ireng. Sikit2 mulut ko tu meng'kertu' ckp xbole tu la xbole ni la... Benci ak dengar mulut ko bising dulu taw... mcm taekk sGt okayyy.... Dahtu siap nak pakai glove g opis sbb tgn luka2 bila tgah sorting2 paperwork.. Alahaiii tgn ko tu chantekk sgt ker??? Berbulu2 mgalahkan hanjeng kat umah ak ni adala... Jln terkepit sana terkepit sini... eeee lalat tgok ko pun xlalu taw nak hinggap. pLZZ la ok... jgn show off sgt ngan diva ko tu...

Sangat sentap ak tgok cara dy berjalan, n gaya bila bercakap.. biasala kan, lau dh namanyer DIva ni xkan sedar diri.. Keji sungguh cara ko tu baPok! Nmpak jantan lalu..menjegil leher ko kan... Padahal jantan tgok ko pon mcm rase nk terberak kannn... Tercirit katanyer...
Tok seh nak tnjuk ayu...

Pastu, bile meyergah orang, macam nak terkojol poN ader.. Awass ok..Jgn cuba buat taikk sebab nanti ader taikk lain hinggap kat muka ko...

Mak BuyuNg

Lama betull la xtulis blog... mana x nyer..keje asyik mencarappp jerk mana nk adew mase nk menghapdate kann... Alkisahnyer la ni kan, kowg ader x member2 opis yg dh bunting2 giteww?? hah ader kann?? I rase la kan, ni mestiii musim bunting-membunting la dikk noonn.... I bukan pe taw...susah lau ader yg membuntingkan diri ni(Ehh tu kan rezeki dorg..ak plak nk meyibuk pehall) sebab keje2 nnti menimbun mcm bukit cina tu haa.. kene cover sana sini...patah riuk tulang i nokk... xkuasa giteww...

Jgn la anak ko kencing terdokoNg cmni..kencing muka puaka ni xpew

Ni la nak citer ni... 2 org opismate merangkap team i jugak la sudah subur mengembang di perut... alahaii tahniah la yer... Gembira jugak ak jd pak cik dlm usia muda mudi gitew..(muda ke haku ni??). Mana xnyer, kitorg bru blik dari Melbourne nunn sana, blik sini tiber2 dh bunting kann... xder la teruss bunting uollss, tapi ala2 subur gitew dpt berita dey oll nk beranak sudah...masing2 anak pertama tuu....Tahniah yerrr. Moga2 anak2 korang comel2 mcm I ni haa... Ingt, amik restu I ye nanti anak jd cerdik gteww...

jd kajol ak lau cmni la baby tu tendang pewOt..kakii???

Satu ari tu, si opismate ak sorg ni mengadu anak dlm perut dy tendang dy...I apa lg uolllss mengadap terus depan perut dy la..nk tgOk perOt tu turun naik turun naik la.. Ala2 daun kemuncup giteww kan. Ala nokk laki ko mesti xkisah I dakap2 telinga suci I kat perot ko kan.. eh dakap telinga??? ape kes?? ptutnyer I rasa bukan dakap telinga kann... ala 2 2 I buat nok.. Tp, xgerak2 pulak baby dalam perot dy tu.. Agaknye nk termuntah darah kot degr suara manja ak memanggil2 "babyyy..ala baby'...ahaiahaiii...meh la tendang2 bucuk"...Keji betul I ni suh tendang lg perot mak dy.. xpasal2 ak lak terkojol kat ctu tgok kaki baby tu terkeluar dari perut.. mana tau kan nokk...

Xper nok...janji ko meletop..kalah bapok2 kat africa sana tu nok... tp ko ape kes lau dh ko tu betina semulajadi... I doakan semoga bila beranak nanti xderla ko meneran kuat sgt.. I takot nok, kang terlebih teran..terlebih terlopong cip-ap ko tu....adoooyyy naya nokkk...

Friday, February 19, 2010

in thE mIdst of endIng for FebrUary

February~~~~ yeah it does a miracle of the month among the rest in a year... why? coz it is a leaping month where every 4 years may come with the odd date. I do believe that people who were born in this leap month may received a very luck wish or even something that beyond of our thinking... Is that true??? zZZZzzZZZz

Im not going to nag about the miracle of Feb, but the thing should i stress somehow where my life becomes so much redundant and hectic to commute with every hours that i spend. *sigh*
This month is full with surprise and big event that I ever encountered. Wondering to have a good business?? hahahaha... try out February once the leaping year is coming again... this year dun even dream it..~~~~

I wish to b a successful person in a year... I do achieved it even the year 2010 just started. These 2 months (Jan & Feb) give a very miracle impact to me whereby i dun have to sacked so much in terms of my career prospect.. I had started my journey this year with a rupture mood... even so hard to target as a piece of clean slate... But I am amid to achieve it... lol~~~ not even trusting me???

To do something with vague may stop everything throughout your life. Intensify yourself may achieve the desirable goal that you have planned. My resolution is quarterly targeted. The journey is still farther away... I am not easily adaptable to comfort zone as I am trying hardly to get it out from my personal pace. It bodes to have a very great break even and all the lucrative issue will be mine... who cares? I place myself at the highest level but underneath of moderation..huhuhuhu...

I hate to involve in any complicated issue. Besides, it may spank a fracas mood where it is grounding by the "bad-mouth" person or people which will never stop assaulting like "massacre"... haizzz... what the nasty comes out?

Stop being someone who you wish to. It is tantamount of foxtrot! Have you ever thinking to value your life with something that will worth you aftermath? We tend to forget in any occasion that we face, we tend to feel that we are completing the life with a happy moment ever..

Guys, replenish your self-image with something virtue where you will not even to regret it. Utilize everything that you already got and don't even waste the pieces of crumble.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

BeauTiful lasTing

Heyyaahh~~~Am get rest again from updating my blog.. let we move to the story. My close frenz (who they think they are) alwayz asking me wat product that u use to apply on ur face? My answer is so simple n quite tacky " If u do have money to spend, no worries to idle for buying any cosmetics product that u want"... exuberant aite?

All these while, we have been flooded with numerous facial n cosmetics product. Do u think it gives u the best application on ur skin? it might be damn upheavel sumtimes if the choosen is wrong.. u glance by one side rather to put ur thought wisely... ermm very irritating~~huhuhu

Let me share sumting. I used to get pimple during my secondary time but it was last until my college time. I had used so many product from low-end to middle-end class. Did these worth for me? some perhaps... Once i changed, it was coming back to grew up the blemishes since my oily skin will not end forever., Zitsssss hate it!!!

Nowadays, i use BML product which covers complete set from cleanser to complexion cream. I use it since 2008 and never bogged to it. I never think to quit by getting other product to be applied as daily skincare. That my base for skin care.

Whereas, it is amid to be brighter and glowing and i suceed to notch it up. Bona fide from my confession...hahaha~~ Do i need to tell everything? yeah i will juz because i dun want to get it halfway n must to grab to the hilt!

Now, as a makeup base, i rather use Maybelline Aqua Gel Foundation whereby it is so cheaper and lighter than other product perhaps. It comes with various shade n no glump whenever u apply it. For those oily skin like me is greatly suit to ur skin. This water base foundation is very handy yet gives u brighter look.

Am a boy doesn't mean to get stuck from using this product. Does anyone annoy? hahaha.. do i care???? let people say coz i tend to be dumb..ahakz...pretending lol~~~~juz bouncing.

seee yahhh~~~