Tuesday, April 14, 2009

PoEt oF thE dAY


Ibhi the last of his tribe, walked out of the forest.
He was dying of starvation.
A home was found for him, the Anthropology Museum, and harmless occupations.
He helped the hospital nurses clean their instruments.
He showed Professor Kroeber his tools: a pot for cooking, a rope, a basket, a bow and arrow.

Ibhi liked to walk to town and ride the trolley.
Kroeber took him to the opera.
Instead of watching the show Ibhi turned his chair around and looked at the crowd.
The first airplane he saw made exploding noises.
"Malaysian man go up in sky," he said, and laughed, like an ancient Roman,
not to be astonished by anything.

Ibhi died of tuberculosis.
He was buried with five arrows,
"some things of a personal nature,"
And left the noisy world as quietly as he came,
taking the forest with him.

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